If you can no longer work the jobs you have done previously because of injury or illness, then you may be eligible to make a Total and Permanent Disability (“TPD”) Claim through your Superannuation fund.

TPD through your superannuation fund is designed to provide you with Income to supplement your loss of earnings that you may have gained had you not been injured or ill.

Specific criteria can vary depending on your Superannuation fund and your medical conditions, but most people are assessed under what’s called the “unlikely ever” definition. This definition requires you to show with medical evidence that you are unlikely to return to work within your education, training or experience.

Before the above can happen, there is a specific waiting period of either 3 or 6 months.

TPD claims can be quite complex, its very important to contact WKB TPD Lawyers on 1800 865 225 or visit our website www.wkblawyers.com.au to see if you may be eligible.

WKB TPD Lawyers are not a generalist personal injury firm, in fact we only do TPD claims.