Are you considering making a TPD claim but worry that the present climate with COVID-19 will make it difficult to do so?

At WKB TPD Lawyers, we understand that many of our clients are vulnerable to the present economic and social situation unfolding with COVID-19. In fact, many of our clients are under extreme financial stress during better times. People seeking our services may be unable to manage daily expenses such as paying their bills, mortgage or even putting a decent meal on the table for their family. Oftentimes, the injuries or illness that prevent our clients from working are not caused at work or by motor vehicles – which means that there is no statutory scheme providing financial relief for them. Unless they have income protection insurance, their only recourse is Centrelink payments which may fall short of their financial demands. 

In other words, a portion of our clients are in urgent financial need. Of course, this is all on a normal day – so what does it mean during a global pandemic? 

As more and more people find themselves out of work and more people are struggling financially, we want to reiterate that WKB TPD Lawyers remain 100% open for business and will continue to fight the good fight for you. We remain engaged and contactable with our clients via phone, email and video calls. Many of our clients may also be dealing with partners who have lost work at the same time, creating a double whammy to the household budget. 

Our message is simple: don’t let the present situation and financial difficulty stop you from making a TPD claim. We know it may seem overwhelming but if anything, now is the time to make sure you are on top of a potential claim and have the best chance of receiving financial support for your injury or illness. 


How can WKB TPD Lawyers help?

WKB TPD Lawyers are very experienced when it comes to making TPD Claims. We are not a generalist personal injury firm – instead, we only do TPD Claims.

If you find yourself in urgent financial need and are seeking to make a TPD claim, we’re happy to tell you that there is an urgent financial needs provision in the Life Insurance Code of Practice. This means that, with documentation supporting your claim of urgent financial need, we can process your TPD claim and, at the same time, inform your insurer that you are in urgent financial need. This essentially pushes your insurer to make a decision as soon as practicable, so you can get the financial assistance you need as quickly as possible. As a TPD claim generally takes up to six months to process, submitting a claim of urgent financial need is crucial to speeding up the process and enabling you to receive the full range of benefits and compensation for your individual circumstances in a timely manner.

How do I make a TPD Claim? 

While making a TPD Claim can be complex, the process can be broken down into the following steps: 

  1. Contact your super and request the necessary documentation
  2. Submit your claim with the help of WKB TPD Lawyers
  3. Wait for your insurer to assess your claim
  4. Hear back from your insurer with a determination as to the outcome of your claim.

To talk to us about whether you are eligible to make a TPD Claim, contact WKB TPD Lawyers on  1800 865 225. We’re proud to offer a service that enables people to seek access to financial support where their illness or injury makes it impossible for them to return to the workforce and eager to offer our assistance during these challenging times. We offer a free consultation to check your eligibility to make a TPD Claim and work on a No win, No fee guarantee.